
KortanaFX Scaling Plan

KortanaFX offers a comprehensive scaling plan designed to reward consistent performance and provide traders with opportunities for significant account growth. This plan allows successful traders to increase their trading capital over time, potentially reaching up to $3,000,000 in account balance.

Scaling Plan Overview

The KortanaFX scaling plan operates on a quarterly basis:

  1. Account balance increase: 25% every three months
  2. Maximum scaling limit: $3,000,000
  3. Performance requirement: 12% or more profit within 90 days

Scaling Process

To qualify for account scaling:

  1. Achieve a minimum of 12% profit over a 90-day period
  2. Maintain adherence to all trading rules and risk parameters
  3. Request account increase after meeting the profit target

Account Parameters

KortanaFX accounts operate under two phases: Challenge and Funded. Each phase has specific parameters:

Funded Account Phase

Profit target
Max daily loss5%
Max overall loss10%
Profit SplitUp to 100%
EA TradingAllowed
Trading PeriodUnlimited

Challenge Phase (Phase 1)

Profit target8%
Max daily loss5%
Max overall loss10%
Profit SplitN/A
EA TradingAllowed
Trading PeriodUnlimited

Scaling Calculation Example

Initial account balance: $100,000

  1. After 3 months (12% profit achieved):
    New balance: $100,000 + 25% = $125,000
  2. After 6 months (12% profit achieved again):
    New balance: $125,000 + 25% = $156,250
  3. After 9 months (12% profit achieved again):
    New balance: $156,250 + 25% = $195,312.50

This process continues until the maximum balance of $3,000,000 is reached or the trader no longer meets the scaling requirements.

Benefits of the Scaling Plan

  1. Increased trading capital without additional personal investment
  2. Motivation for consistent, long-term performance
  3. Potential for exponential account growth
  4. Alignment of trader and company interests
KortanaFX Options

Risk Management in Scaling

While the scaling plan offers significant growth potential, it’s crucial to maintain strict risk management:

  1. Adhere to the 5% maximum daily loss rule
  2. Respect the 10% maximum overall loss limit
  3. Adjust position sizes appropriately as account balance grows
  4. Regularly review and optimize trading strategies

Scaling Plan Eligibility

To be eligible for the scaling plan:

  1. Successfully pass the KortanaFX challenge
  2. Maintain a funded account in good standing
  3. Consistently meet or exceed the 12% quarterly profit target
  4. Adhere to all KortanaFX trading rules and guidelines

Requesting a Scale-Up

When you’ve met the scaling requirements:

  1. Log in to your KortanaFX dashboard
  2. Navigate to the scaling plan section
  3. Verify your performance metrics
  4. Submit a scale-up request
  5. Wait for approval from the KortanaFX team

Scaling Plan Limitations

Be aware of the following limitations:

  1. Maximum account balance cap: $3,000,000
  2. Scaling is not automatic and requires trader initiation
  3. Failure to meet profit targets may result in missed scaling opportunities
  4. KortanaFX reserves the right to modify or terminate the scaling plan

Strategies for Successful Scaling

To maximize your scaling potential:

  1. Develop a consistent and profitable trading strategy
  2. Focus on steady growth rather than high-risk trades
  3. Regularly analyze and adjust your approach as needed
  4. Utilize proper position sizing and risk management
  5. Take advantage of KortanaFX educational resources

Impact of Scaling on Profit Split

As your account scales, your profit split percentage may change:

  1. Initial funded account: 50% profit split
  2. After multiple successful withdrawals: Up to 100% profit split
  3. Scaling does not directly affect profit split percentages

Refer to the KortanaFX profit split structure for detailed information.

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Scaling and Drawdown Limits

As your account balance increases through scaling:

  1. Daily loss limit increases proportionally (remains 5% of new balance)
  2. Overall loss limit increases proportionally (remains 10% of new balance)
  3. Adjust your risk management strategy accordingly

Scaling Plan vs. Traditional Account Growth

Benefits of the KortanaFX scaling plan:

  1. Faster account growth potential
  2. No need for additional personal capital investment
  3. Risk is shared between trader and KortanaFX
  4. Encourages long-term, consistent performance

Scaling and Trading Instruments

The scaling plan applies to all available trading instruments:

  1. Forex pairs
  2. Indices
  3. Commodities
  4. Cryptocurrencies

Diversification across instruments may help achieve scaling targets.

Scaling Plan and Market Conditions

Consider market conditions when aiming for scaling targets:

  1. Adjust strategies during different market phases
  2. Be prepared for periods of lower volatility
  3. Avoid overtrading in pursuit of scaling targets
  4. Maintain discipline and stick to your trading plan

Monitoring Scaling Progress

To track your progress towards scaling:

  1. Log in to your KortanaFX dashboard
  2. Check your current profit percentage
  3. Review time elapsed in the current scaling period
  4. Analyze performance metrics and adjust strategy if needed

User Reviews

  1. “The KortanaFX scaling plan has been a game-changer for my trading career. The potential to grow my account by 25% every three months keeps me focused and disciplined.” – Mark T.
  2. “I appreciate how the scaling plan encourages consistent performance. It’s challenging but achievable, and has helped me develop a more robust trading strategy.” – Sarah K.
  3. “The transparency of the scaling plan is commendable. Clear targets and rules make it easy to understand what’s required for account growth.” – Alex R.

Common Issues and Solutions

  1. Issue: Difficulty consistently achieving the 12% quarterly profit target
    Solution: Review your trading strategy and risk management approach. Consider reducing position sizes to minimize drawdowns and focus on more consistent, smaller gains. Utilize KortanaFX educational resources to improve your trading skills.
  2. Issue: Overtrading in an attempt to reach scaling targets
    Solution: Stick to your trading plan and avoid taking unnecessary risks. Remember that consistent, sustainable performance is key to long-term success in the scaling plan. Quality trades are more important than quantity.
  3. Issue: Managing larger position sizes after scaling
    Solution: Gradually increase your position sizes as your account grows. Use a fixed percentage of your account balance for each trade rather than a fixed lot size. This approach helps maintain consistent risk levels as your account scales.

Preguntas Frecuentes

The scaling plan operates on a fixed 90-day cycle. Even if you achieve more than 12% profit before the end of the period, you’ll need to wait until the full 90 days have elapsed before requesting a scale-up. Use this time to further improve your performance and potentially exceed the minimum requirement.

If you don’t achieve the 12% profit target in a quarter, you won’t be eligible for a scale-up at that time. However, your account balance remains the same, and you can aim for the target in the next 90-day period. There’s no penalty for missing a scaling opportunity, and you can continue trading as normal.

There’s no limit to the number of times you can scale up your account, as long as you meet the performance requirements each quarter. However, the maximum account balance is capped at $3,000,000. Once you reach this level, you’ll continue trading with this balance but won’t be eligible for further increases under the current scaling plan.